PR - Connected to EU

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Project's Results

Report on the shared analysis in the three partner countries
of the organizational and strategic management of public bodies
and study of the soft skills possessed by the target adults.

The first project result, linked to Phase I - Context analysis, aims to carry out a reconnaissance and comparative analysis of the reference contexts and collection of data related to the acceding countries (Italy, Romania and the Czech Republic), it is a very important survey because it is aimed at mapping public bodies and censusing the target adults who populate them with particular attention to the soft skills possessed. The activities of the first phase will be coordinated by the Czech Republic partner (Leader: Caio sro) who will have the task of sharing with the partners of the other 2 countries the descriptors that will character the final report on the shared analysis in the three countries involved (Italy, Czech Republic and Romania) of the organizational and strategic management of public bodies and study of soft skills owned by target adults. The partner will ask the different partners to identify 15 managers by means of probabilistic sampling. Clustering of data, generated by probabilistic sampling (15 managers per country) which contains comparable indicators and makes calculations on aggregated data to establish comparability averages. Interviews and questionnaires. In addition, this partner will collect the interim reports and draw up the final report.

The second phase of the project (Phase II - Model Development) includes: the identification of monitoring indicators to define the ideal state of being a public body and therefore of being an adult in charge of the management of a public body; the definition of the soft skills development model of virtuous public managers; the creation of a new non-formal investigation methodology that allows to capture the current state of the institution at theorganizational and strategic management level; the administration and evaluation of the results of the survey; the identification of the skills of personal and professional growth of adults who direct public bodies; the proposal of a training offer to develop missing transversal skills. The activities of the second phase will be coordinated by the Romanian partner (Leader: Liceul Teoretical Stefan Odobleja) who will have the task of sharing with the other partners the monitoring indicators to define the ideal status of being an adult in charge of a public body, the text of the semistructured interviews and qualitative-quantitative questionnaires to be administered to the target audience (probabilistic sample for a total of 45 managers of the public administrations chosen in the 3 reference countries) and , with the other partners, evaluate the results of the survey and identify . The Romanian partner will collect the 3 interim reports (by the partners) and draw up a final report describesing the soft skills development model of the virtuous public manager. The whole partnership will, on the basis of the results of the survey, propose a training offer to develop the missing transversal skills. The results will consist of 3 intermediate reports with the analysis of data by the partners and a final report describesing the model of development of soft skills of the virtuous public manager.

Development model of the soft skills of the virtuous public

The need to be satisfied with this result is to contribute to the development of not only transversal but also digital skills of adults who will be part of the reference sample. The aim is to develop a complex system for managing learning, individual awareness and social interaction. The innovation of the interactive technological infrastructure for information and e-learning training will make it possible to address issues related to transversal skills and organizational and strategic management of public bodies. The expected impacts at the local and then at the regional level are connected to a general implementation of the entire project in order to adopt the model in the majority of public bodies and to transmit knowledge, skills and abilities in time and even remotely. Moments of discussion and monitoring will also be organized through the planning of focus groups and laboratory activities.

Interactive information and training technological
infrastructure (information site + e-learning).

Guidelines for becoming a virtual public executive and
aspiring to make your organization a best practice.


Phase IV (Evaluation, dissemination and replicability) – The last phase is coordinated by the applicant (Leader: Fondazione Gazzetta Amministrativa della Repubblica Italiana) who will have the task of coordinating the activities of the drafting of guidelines to become a virtual public executive and aspire to make its institution a best practice with the support of the other partners. Fundamental and crucial will be the analysis of the replicability of the project on other targets and the dissemination of the results to which the whole partnership will contribute.
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